Sunday, 31 October 2010

CoD double page spread

I myself am not a fan of the call of duty games, but I do like the way this double page spread has been laid out. As the main clump text has been placed on the left page the, it means the right page can be used for an image.

There are only two main colours used because of the background being that main focus, those colours are red and white. The white is used for all the text as if is a visible colour on the background and red is used just for the quote at the top of the magazine, to cause the magazine title to stand out more and for the ticks and crosses as on that part the white wouldn’t be as visible on that part of image.

The image its self is of a soldier fully encased in clothing showing no skin at all so as to remove the humanity from it, this along with the gun and the quote are there to show you that it is a war game and not all sunshine and daisies.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy. You need to be working on the construction of you magazine now. You have an amazing concept for your front cover that needs to be blogged. Scan the drawings you have planned into your blog.

    Come and find me so I can help you analyse current media products (cover, contents, DPS) you need to provide a good analysis to help with your research and planning of your own music magazine.

    Miss Brown
